The Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Nomination Committee Charter sets out the functions and responsibilities of the Nomination Committee, along with certain matters relevant to the operation of the Nomination Committee.
The Committee’s role
The role of the Nomination Committee is to ensure that the Board of Directors is comprised of individuals who are best able to discharge the responsibilities of directors, having regard to the law and the highest standards of governance.
The Committee’s rights
The Nomination Committee has the ability to obtain independent professional advice to assist it with its functions, with the cost to be paid for by the Company.
The Committee’s responsibilities
The Nomination Committee generally has responsibility for:
- Assessing the skills required on the Board;
- From time to time assessing the extent to which the required skills are represented on the Board, considering, among other things, the Company’s strategic direction, and informed in part by the Board’s self-evaluation process;
- Establishing processes for the review of the performance of the Board as a whole and individual non-executive directors;
- Establishing processes for the identification of suitable candidates for appointment to the Board; and
- Implementing processes for the induction of new non-executive Directors to the Company and processes for continuing education of directors.
Commitment to diversity
The Nomination Committee believes that the Board should represent a diverse mix of skills, regional and industry experience, backgrounds, ages and other unique characteristics, such as race, gender and ethnicity. In furtherance of this goal, the Nomination Committee is committed to actively seeking out highly qualified diverse candidates (including women and minority candidates) to include in the pool from which Board nominees are chosen.
Membership requirements
The Board shall elect at least three (3) independent directors to serve as members of the Nomination Committee.
Non-independent members may be appointed by the Board to serve on the Nomination Committee, provided that a majority of the Committee is comprised of independent non-executive directors.
The Nomination Committee shall vote to elect a Chairman from the existing pool of independent directors then serving as members of the Nomination Committee.
The Nomination Committee shall meet at least once a year. The Nomination Committee may invite whomever it wishes to attend the meeting(s).
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